Client Services
SMC Cadet Management.
Stream Marine Group (SMG) are a leading provider of training, competence management, cadet management and consultancy services to the global maritime, LNG and oil and gas industries. Our key customers at SMG currently include many cruise lines, ferry operators, tanker operators and a range of service providers to the maritime sector, such as manning agencies and small service vessel providers. Our strategic intent is to expand and develop our sister company Stream Marine Careers (SMC) to become a leading provider of cadet recruitment and management services within the UK market.
Cadet Management is a strategically important growth area for our business, and welcome any enquires about this service.
Visit our Cadet Management Services page for more information.

Berthing UK Cadets
At SMC we have a pool of berths with reputable shipping companies that we use to berth Cadets for a number of reasons, including getting them experience on other ship types. If you think you could offer SMC berths onboard your company vessel’s please get in touch.