Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
We have complied a list of questions that we are regularly asked by people looking in to a Career at sea. We hope this of use to you, but, if you have a question that has not been answered then please get in touch. We have also complied a list of questions for families who want to know more about the industry and what to expect when their Cadet is at Sea.

The Merchant Navy is the collective term for commercial shipping. Commercial vessels are owned and operated by civilians and have no affiliation to a countries military. Commercial shipping includes, cargo and passenger vessels.
There are many routes to working at sea, one of them being a Cadetship. A Cadetship is a 3-year fully funded program that will take someone from having no maritime experience to being a qualified officer in there chosen discipline. You can choose to train as a Deck, Engine or Electro-Technical Officer.
After qualifying you can expect to start on around £33,000 per year. If you spend 6 months or more onboard this could also be tax free.
Our team of ex-seafarers are dedicated to ensuring that you succeed in your chosen career. As ex-seafarers we will offer relevant guidance and support though out training. Working closely with the College’s and sponsoring companies we ensure your training is of the highest standard to make you an asset to any shipping company when you qualify.
On successful completion of your Cadetship you will gain a Certificate of Competency in your chosen discipline, this is the license that will allow you work as an Officer onboard a vessel. You will also get an academic qualification as well as the additional safety training courses you need to work onboard.